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CFA Society NYC: Compound Insights Podcasts "A Systemic Approach to Carbon Pricing, ESG Policies and More"

CFA Society NYC: Compound Insights Podcasts "A Systemic Approach to Carbon Pricing, ESG Policies and More"

October 30, 2023

Responsible Alpha is proud to present A Systemic Approach to Carbon Pricing, ESG Policies and More podcast led by Rob Rowan at Compound Insights for the CFA Society NYC. In this podcast, Responsible Alpha discussed at length the need to begin framing our transition to a low-carbon, sustainable, and equitable future within planetary boundaries.

Compound Insights, by CFA Society New York, delivers in-depth conversations with the foremost experts and influential authorities who comprise the global financial investment world. Last week, Responsible Alpha launched its Planetary Boundaries Series where we discuss alert business leaders and financial services professionals  to the ongoing destabilization of the environmental thresholds which keeps our planet running normally. As of 2023, we have breached six of the nine interconnected planetary thresholds  which stabilize Earth’s environment and are approaching the maximum boundaries on the remaining three. In A Systemic Approach to Carbon Pricing, ESG Policies and More we discuss at the length how are these boundaries connected to economics and which measurements might we have to change to restabilize the Earth’s ecosystems.

Consider some topline numbers. Biodiversity and ecosystem collapse is the 4th biggest global risk in the next 10 years according to World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2023. Ecosystem services generate a staggering $44 trillion of value per year according to a May 2023 Kepler Cheuvreux report. The potential collapse should get us to reflect more deeply on how nature underpins our economy.

To prevent the staggering loss of wealth above, business leaders need to understand what wealth was in the 2020s and how it will change by 2050.

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